European Appeal

We are workers, youth and trade union and political activists from every tendency of the labour movement, and from every country of Europe (members or not of the European Union).

A referendum has been called on 23 June in Britain, with one question on the agenda: “stay” in the European Union or “leave” it.

We salute and support those trade unions, Labour Party branches and CLPs and those British labour activists who, despite the instructions issued by the Labour Party leadership and the leading circles of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), have decided to call for a vote to “leave” the European Union on 23 June!

From Greece to Portugal, from Poland to Germany and elsewhere, for years we have experienced the true meaning of the European treaties based on “free and undistorted competition”, the directives and programmes dictated by the European Union or by the Troika (and implemented by every one of the governments, whatever their political colour).

Our peoples and the workers of the whole of Europe have suffered the same policy, whether their countries are members of the European Union or in Association Partnerships: deregulation, the dismantling of the Labour Code and labour rights (pensions, social security, collective bargaining agreements), the privatisation-destruction of public services and budget cuts in the name of the national debt, and the putting into question of every form of national and popular sovereignty.

We note that the European Union (interlinked with NATO through treaties) supports the foreign military interventions that are driving millions of refugees onto the road to exile.

We note that at the European Summit of 18 and 19 February, the British Prime Minister and the European Commission concluded an agreement which will aggravate even further the process of making workers compete with each other. Under that agreement,  any worker originating in an EU country and emigrating to Britain will be deprived for four years of all the social rights won by the British working class through struggle. This can only lead to competition between workers, and to a new offensive to drive down the “cost of labour” of the British workers and to encourage a climate of reactionary xenophobia.

Against this “European Union”, which tries by every possible means to set workers against each other for the great benefit of the capitalists and bankers, we counterpose the union of the workers and peoples of the whole of Europe for defending and winning back their rights, sovereignty and democracy.

Together with the 578 delegates who met at the annual Conference  of the Trondheim Trades Council of the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), we support the British workers who will vote in favour of “leaving the EU” and “struggling hand-in-hand with the workers of Europe and the whole world”.

A victory for the British workers on 23 June will be a leverage-point for all workers who in every country are opposing through their own class struggle the destructive plans of the European Union and the governments that are carrying out its policy.


Primary movers


Peter KREUTLER (Vice-Chair  Afa Düsseldorf, Ver.di  ( member of the executive committee of  the 6th Sector shop-stewards conference  ( Central and local government public workers )  Düsseldorf

Dr Cornelia MATZKE (former member of the Saxony Regional Assembly after 1989, Ver.di)

Norbert MÜLLER (Ver.di, AfA, Francfurt/Main)

Peter SAALMÜLLER (Ver.di, SPD)

Anna Helena SCHUSTER (Ver.di, shop-steward )

Birgit SCHUTZ Food service Trade Union (  NGG ), member of the company committee , AfA Düsseldorf)

Holger PFEIFFER (Ver;di, shop-steward )

H.W. SCHUSTER (Ver.di, Shop-steward , Chair AfA Düsseldorf)



I publicly endorse  this appeal


Name- Forename : …………………………………………..

Signed in an official / a personal capacity (Delete as appropriate)

Country: ….…………………………

Email, phone number: ………………………………………………………..



Endorsements to be returned to  :

H.-W. Schuster, Liebfrauenstraße 31, 40591 Düsseldorf, Fax +49 211 7599092


İsrail’deki Filistinli işçilerin korunması için acil çağrı


איגוד העובדים הערבים Arap Iscileri Send

نقابة العمال العرب 

Arap İşçileri Sendikası



 İsrail’deki Filistinli işçilerin korunması için acil çağrı:

İsrail, ekim ayının başından beri 959 Filistinli işçiyi tutukladı

322 işçi saldırıya uğradı ve işyerinden kovuldu

İsrailli yerleşimcilerin İsrail şehirlerinde Filistinli işçilere yönelik tekrar eden saldırılarının ardından Nasıra şehrindeki Arap İşçileri Sendikası, uluslararası sendikaları ve insan hakları örgütlerini İsrail’deki Filistinli işçilerin korunması için ILO nezdinde girişimlerde bulunmaya çağırdı. Son saldırı, Umm al-Fahm şehrinden gelen 13 Filistinli işçiye çalıştıkları Kudüs yakınlarındaki Beit Shemesh şehrinde gerçekleşti.

Sendika, bugün Nasıra’da yayımlanan basın açıklamasında; İsrail’in ekim ayının başından bu yana Batı Şeria, Kudüs ve 48 bölgelerinden [1948’de İsrail’in kurulduğu bölge – çn.] 959 Filistinli işçiyi tutukladığını ve Kudüs ile 1948 bölgelerindeki 44 İsrail işyerinden 322 işçinin de “güvenlik” bahanesiyle işten çıkarıldığını söyledi. Çok sayıda işverenin “Artık Arap işçiler istemiyoruz” diye açık açık medya önünde söylediğini belirtti.

Açıklamada Arap İşçileri Sendikası, işçilere hukuki koruma sağlamak için yoğun bir şekilde delil ve ifade toplamaya başladığını belirtti. 48 bölgelerinde ve Kudüs’te işten çıkarılan 71 işçinin yasal şikâyetleri sürecinin başladığını söyledi ve azami sayıda işçiye ulaşarak İsrail iş mahkemelerinde hukuki destek vermek için faaliyetine devam edeceğini belirtti.

Arap işçilerine karşı ırkçı saldırıları durdurmak için kampanyaya destek verin

İşçileri korumak ve işyerlerine dönüşlerini sağlamak için hukuki kampanyaya destek verin ve bağışta bulunun

Yaşasın işçi sınıfı!


(الناصرة- ص.ب 2721- ميكود 16126 تلفاكس- 04-6001369 (972)- نقال 0507770134 (972)

Nazareth. P.o.Box- 2721. Zip 16126 – Telfax (972) 04 6565044. Cep (972) 0507770134


Arab Workers Union in Israel



Dear Friends,

You will find below the statement issued by the Arab Workers Union regarding the situation in Palestine following the recent murder of a young child.

Please circulate this as widely as possible.

The statement is available in Arabic, French, English and Spanish, and will be sent to you by return in the language of your choice upon request to

Arab Workers Union in Israel

The Arab Workers Union of Nazareth calls for the broadest possible mobilisation against the crimes perpetrated by the settlers.

The Arab Workers Union calls on the Palestinian population and the Palestinian workers to step up their efforts in protesting against the crimes perpetrated by the settlers in the West Bank.

The latest of such crimes was committed against a Palestinian family living in the village of Doma, south of Nablus, where a baby (Ali Dawabsha) was burnt alive together with his family.

We issue this appeal at a time when the number of demonstrations is increasing in the territory of Palestine that was occupied in 1948.

Hundreds of young Palestinians in the cities of Nazareth, Shafa-Amer and Haifa have taken to the streets and blocked the roads leading to the city of Tel-Aviv.

There have been clashes between those youths and the Israeli police.

A march by the Palestinian population of the 1948 territories has been called, starting from the citycentre of Jaffa, the town neighbouring Tel Aviv.


2 August 2015

Sindicato de Trabajadores Árabes


Apreciados amigos,

Adjunto reciben el comunicado que el Sindicato de Trabajdores Árabes (Arab Workers Union), publicó sobre la situación en Palestina después del reciente asesinato de un niñito.

No dude en hacer circular ampliamente

Este comunicado existe en Árabe, Frances, Inglés, Español y os será enviado en la lengua que usted prefiera haciendo su demanda a

Sindicato de Trabajadores Árabes

Arap Iscileri Send

The Arab Workers Union in Israel P.O. Box 2721, Nazareth 16126, Israel Tel: +972 (0)4 6001369; mobile: +972 (05) 7770134 Email:

El Sindicato de Trabajadores Árabes –Nazaret- llama a la más amplia movilización contra los crímenes perpetrados por los colonos.

El Sindicato de Trabajadores Árabes llama a la población palestina, los trabajdores palestino a intensificar sus protestas contra los crímenes perpetrados por los colonos en Cisjordania.

El último crimen cometido contra una familia Palestina habitando el pueblo de Doma al sur de Nablus donde (Ali Dawabsha) fue quemado vivo junto con su familia.

Lanzamos este llamado en el momento en que las, manifestaciones se multiplican en la Palestina ocupada en 1948.

Centenares de jóvenes palestinos de las ciudades de Nazaret, Shafa Amer y Haifa salieron a la calle y ocuparon las carreteras hacia Tel Aviv.

Ha habido enfrentamientos entre estos jóvenes y la policía israelita. Una marcha de la población Palestina de los Territorios de 1948 fue convocada a partir del centro de la ciudad de Yafa, una ciudad vecina a Tel Aviv.

Nazaret para el 2 de agosto de 2015.


Chers amis,

Vous voudrez bien trouver ci-dessous le communiqué que le Syndicat des Travailleurs Arabes ( Arab Workers Union) a publié sur la situation en Palestine après le récent assassinat d’un jeune enfant.

N’hésitez pas à le faire circuler très largement.

Ce communiqué existe en Arabe, Français, Anglais , Espagnol et vous sera envoyé par retour dans la langue de votre choix sur demande à

Syndicat des Travailleurs Arabes

Arap Iscileri Send

The Arab Workers Union in Israel P.O. Box 2721, Nazareth 16126, Israel Tel: +972 (0)4 6001369; +972 (05) 7770134 Email:

Le Syndicat des Travailleurs Arabes – Nazareth – appelle à la plus large mobilisation contre les crimes perpétrés par les colons.

Le Syndicat des Travailleurs Arabes appelle la population palestinienne, les travailleurs palestiniens à intensifier leur protestation contre les crimes perpétrés par les colons en Cisjordanie.

Le dernier en date est le crime commis contre une famille palestinienne habitant le village de Doma au sud de Naplouse où un bébé ( Ali Dawabsha) a été brûlé vif avec sa famille.

Nous lançons cet appel au moment où les manifestations se multiplient en Palestine occupée en 1948.

Des centaines de jeunes palestiniens des villes de Nazareth, Shafa Amer et Haifa sont descendus dans la rue et ont coupé les routes vers la ville de Tel-Aviv.

Des affrontements ont lieu entre ces jeunes et la police israéliennes.

Une marche de la popupation Palestinienne des territoire de 48 a été convoquée à partir du centre ville de Yafa, une ville voisine de Tel-Aviv.

Nazareth le 2 Août 2015